Posting in Screenplay Format

I've been tasked with creating a blog for our upcoming trip to Guatemala. I was wondering how to mix it up a little and make the blog interesting to come back to for updates. Being a writer of screenplays for many years, it seemed like a no-brainer.

So be aware that you'll have the opportunity of reading some upcoming posts in a friendly script format, like so...


MICHAEL is sitting at his computer, squinting at the screen and typing away. He starts talking to himself.

I would like to personalize this blog. Make it unique. What better way to do this than by posting in a screenplay format?

To Michael's surprise, the COMPUTER talks back.

What a novel idea Michael. But who knows how to read a screenplay?

But it's simple. All you need to know is that each scene starts with a scene heading. (Int.) for Interior and (Ext.) for Exterior. Then follow it up with the location and time of day. Next comes the action/description lines and the character names and dialogue. Easy Peazy.

... whatever that meant.


Thanks to all who have and will visit - your prayers and support not only mean a great deal to the widows and orphans of Guatemala, but also to our team.

It's a blessing and a gift. Thank you.


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